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Dr. Iorns is recognized as an industry leader in the use of systems to reduce costs
while enhancing services. During his career, Dr. Iorns has authored the following
publications and presentations:
1. "Infrared Spectra of Some Gaseous Molybdenum Oxides and
Oxyhalides," Terry V. Iorns and Fred E. Stafford, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 88, 4819
2. "The Preparation of the Octahydropentaborate(-1) Anion, B5H8-, and of
µ-Monodeuterio-pentaborane(9)," Donald F. Gaines and Terry V. Iorns, J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 89, 3373 (1967).
3. "µ-Trimethylsilyl-pentaborane(9). The First Example of a Compound Containing
a B-Si-B Three Center Bond," Donald F. Gaines and Terry V. Iorns, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
89, 4289 (1967).
4. "Metal Carbonyl Derivatives of Pentaborane(9)," Donald F. Gaines and
Terry V. Iorns, Inorg. Chem., 7, 1041 (1968).
5. "Group IV Derivatives of Pentaborane(9)," Donald F. Gaines and Terry V.
Iorns, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 90,6617(1968).
6. "Boron Insertion Reactions. II. The Preparation of
µ-Dimethylboryl-pentaborane(9) and 4,5-Dimethylhexaborane(10)," Donald F.
Gaines and Terry V. Iorns, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 92,4571(1970).
7. "1-Silyl Derivatives of Pentaborane(9)." Donald F. Gaines and Terry V.
Iorns, Inorg. Chem., 10,1094(1971).
8. "Isolation and Characterization of Two New Isomers of
Pentaboran(9)yl-pentaborane, (B5H8)2," Donald F. Gaines, Terry V. Iorns and Elna N.
Clevenger, Inorg. Chem., 10, 1096(1971).
9. "Semiautomated Analysis of Uranium Ores and Leach Solutions," Terry V.
Iorns, Advances in Automated Analysis, Vol.2, 95-98, 1977, Mediad, Inc., Tarrytown, NY.
10. "o-Lithiotetrafluorophenylcyclopentadienyliron Dicarbonyl: A
Polyfluoroaryllithium Derivative, Thermally Stable Against Intramolecular Lithium Fluoride
Elimination," S. C. Cohen, T. V. Iorns and R. S. Mosher, J. Fluorine Chem., 3, 233-4
11. "An Automated Analyzer for the Simultaneous Determination of Carbon,
Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur in Coal and other Organic and Inorganic Materials," R.
L. Scott and T. V. Iorns, presented at the 1980 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical
Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy.
12. "Robot Chemist: Concepts in Analytical Automation," Terry V. Iorns,
invited presentation at September 14, 1981 meeting of Society for Analytical Chemists of
13. "Phillips Laboratory Management System - History, Function, and
Benefits," T. V. Iorns, R. C. Loyd, and P. R. Gray, invited paper at the short course
"Hardware and Software Solutions to the Laboratory Data Management Problem" held
at the 1984 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy.
14. "Phillips Laboratory Management System," P. R. Gray and T. V. Iorns,
invited capsule report in "Laboratory Information Management Systems: Part II,"
edited by R. E. Dessy, Anal. Chem., 55,277A-303A (1983).
15. "Phillips Laboratory Management System - Benefits and Savings," T. V.
Iorns, R. C. Loyd, and P. R. Gray, invited presentation at the Eastern Analytical
Symposium, November, 1984, New York, NY.
16. "Design and Implementation of a Computer Aided Testing System," Terry V.
Iorns, Glenn B. Wengert, and R. C. Loyd, presented at the 1985 Pittsburgh Conference on
Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy.
17. "Robots in the Industrial Analytical Laboratory," presented by Terry V.
Iorns as IRI Visiting Industrial Scientist, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS, April
14, 1986.
18. "LIMS in a Petroleum/Chemical Research Environment," Terry V. Iorns,
presented at the First International LIMS Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 1987.
19. "VM LIMS - Setting New Standards," Terry V. Iorns and Sam Bayer,
presented at the 194th National American Chemical Society Meeting, September 1987.
20. "LIMS - Lab Data Management, Are They the Same?" Terry V. Iorns and Sam
Bayer, Scientific and Computing Automation Magazine, October, 1987.
21. "Implementation of VM LIMS into Laboratories," Terry V. Iorns,
invited panel discussion at UMIX Symposium, 1988 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical
Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, New Orleans.
22. "Instrument Connect - The Easy Solution," Terry V. Iorns, presented at
the Second International LIMS Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 1988.
23. "Use of Baseband Networking in Laboratories," symposium organized by
Terry V. Iorns, Scientific Computing and Automation Conference, October, 1988
Philadelphia, PA.
24. "Customer Support and Maintenance - A Software Vendor's View," Terry V.
Iorns and Anthony Defilippo, presented at Scientific Computing and Automation Conference,
October, 1988 Philadelphia, PA.
25. "LIMS Using a Relational Database," Terry V. Iorns, 1989 Pittsburgh
Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, February, 1989 Atlanta.
26. "Reduced Material Testing - Can You Trust Your Supplier?," Terry V.
Iorns, 1989 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy,
February, 1989 Atlanta.
27. "Instrument Connect - Transfer Instrument Results to LIMS the Easy Way,"
Terry V. Iorns, 1989 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied
Spectroscopy, February, 1989 Atlanta.
28. "Laboratory Information Management System for Process Industries," Terry
V. Iorns, IBM CIM '89 Executive Conference, March, 1989, Toronto, invited paper.
29. "Laboratory Information Management Systems," symposium organized by
Terry V. Iorns for 1989 FACSS meeting, October, 1989, Detroit, Michigan, invited.
30. "Design Considerations for AS LIMS - A System Targeted for the
Process/Manufacturing Environment," Terry V. Iorns and Shelley Nathan, 1989 FACSS
Meeting, October. 1989, Chicago.
31. "The Next Generation LIMS - Whats Emerging?" Terry V. Iorns,
Scientific Computing and Automation Conference, October, 1989, Philadelphia.
32. "LIMS - A Decade's Perspective and a Glance at the Future," Terry V.
Iorns, 1991 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, March,
1991, Chicago.
33. "Management Perspectives on LIMS," Terry V. Iorns, 1991 Pittsburgh
Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, March, 1991, Chicago,
34. "Selecting 'Replacement' Laboratory Computer Systems - Special
Considerations," Terry V. Iorns, 1992 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry
and Applied Spectroscopy, March, 1992, New Orleans.
35. "LIMS and Chromatography System Selection - User Weighted Evaluation
Matrix," Terry V. Iorns, 1992 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and
Applied Spectroscopy, March, 1992, New Orleans.
36. "Defining Requirements for LIMS in a Drug Metabolism Laboratory," Terry
V. Iorns, 1993 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy,
March, 1993, Atlanta.
37. "The Importance of Workflow Analysis in LIMS Selection," Terry V. Iorns,
1993 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, March, 1993,
38. "Re-Engineering Workflow in a Laboratory Environment," Terry V. Iorns,
1993 Scientific and Computing Automation Conference, October, 1993, Washington.
39. "Using Customer Needs to Refocus the Structure and Workflow of a Quality
Organization," Terry V. Iorns and Stephen Arlington, Drug Information Association
Conference on Quality Management, April, 1994, Barcelona.
40. "Laboratory Automation as a Strategic Initiative - A System Integrators
Perspective," Terry V. Iorns, ALEX/West 94 (Advanced Laboratory Exposition and
Conference), October 1994, San Jose.
41. "Approaches to Developing Laboratory Information Management Systems,"
Terry Iorns, Genetic Engineering News, May 15, 1995.
42. "Replacement LIMS: Moving Forward or Maintaining the Status Quo," Terry
V. Iorns, invited chapter in Advanced LIMS Technology, James Stafford, editor, Blackie
Academic & Professional, 1995.
43. "Work Flow Problems in Multi-lab Environments," invited paper,
Analytical Chemistry, manuscript, in preparation.